Papu visits Wisconsin.

Papu and the camper ambulance tales.
Papu visits Wisconsin.
8/2/2018 6:33 PM
Papu visits America on the invitation ofthe iceage trail alliance, they also provide her with a NV200 Nissan Van for her adventures.
The first call she gets is from an injured eastern squirrel, hit accidentally by a big car, the squirrel lay by the side of a county road, till somebody realized it was alive and called the animal line.
She thought of lobbying for lower power cars, with artificial intelligence driving them to help reduce such accidents and roadkill. Maybe if all vehicles had obstacle avoidance and automatic brakes, lives would be saved.
Papu rushed to the rescue of this squirrel, and he had no internal injuries, just plain knocked out.
After placing him in the small animal oyster, the squirrel recovered in a day after being fed by volunteers with a dropper.
Papu got a chance to drive through the forests of Kettle Moraine and was shocked at the utter lack of biodiversity compared to her last visit. Weeds were rampant everywhere it called for restoration and healing. Something that the volunteers at the trail alliance exceled at, but a lot of conservation was required.
Papu remembered her childhood in Uttaranchal, the Indian Himalayas where she played all day in the praries. Those were golden memories. She believed that all children and wildlife were close to God and if one really, as an atheist wanted to see God, one could in children and wildlife.
She believed that children were born free and should play in the prairies amongst butterflies and dragonflies, and not be burdened with homework and textbooks.
Papu was surprised at the state of delelopment in Wisconsin,though there were still no planes connecting the smaller cities.
She was glad that people still cared about the little meek creatures like the squirrels and her tribe of animal lovers was alive and well.


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